Hook for allowing the user to check ownership of an underlying NFT

import { useUnderlyingNFTOwner } from "@niftyapes/sdk";


import React from "react";
import { useUnderlyingNFTOwner } from "@niftyapes/sdk";

const UseUnderlyingNFTOwner: React.FC = () => {
  // Docs https://niftyapes.readme.io/reference/usenftownership
  // Loads all active offers for a given collection
  const { isEntitledToNft, activeLoanForNft } = useUnderlyingNFTOwner();

  const nftId = "359";
  const nftContractAddress = "0x79464a1f916877bb1402e94ae3d3dd4b9b1f477d";

  const isOwnedByNiftyApes = isEntitledToNft(nftContractAddress, nftId);
  const isActiveLoan = activeLoanForNft(nftContractAddress, nftId);

  return (
      <div style={{ fontWeight: "bold", marginBottom: "30px" }}>
        Checking loan status
        {isOwnedByNiftyApes && isActiveLoan
          ? "This NFT has an active loan"
          : "No active loans for this NFT"}

export default UseUnderlyingNFTOwner;

Return Value

  isLoadingLoans: boolean;
  ownedNftTokens: string[]; // ['<nftContractAddress>:<nftId>', ...]
  isEntitledToNft: (contract: Address, tokenId?: string) => boolean;
  activeLoanforNft: (contract: Address, tokenId?: string) => Loan | undefined